Greenback payment obligation


Greenback payment obligation (series 1862–63)
Obligation Obligation tex
First This note is a legal tender for all debts, public and private, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt, and is exchangeable for the U.S. six percent twenty-year bonds, redeemable at the pleasure of the United States after five years.
Second This note is a legal tender for all debts, public and private, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt, and is receivable in payment of all loans made to the United States.
Complete denomination set of Greenbacks (series 1862–63)
Value Year Obligation Fr. Image Portrait Population
$1 1862 Second[nb 4] Fr.16c US-$1-LT-1862-Fr-16c.jpg Salmon P. Chase (Joseph P. Ourdan) 2,607 (194)
$2 1862 Second Fr.41 US-$2-LT-1862-Fr-41.jpg Alexander Hamilton 1,212 (881)
$5 1862 First Fr.61a US-$5-LT-1862-Fr-61a.jpg Freedom (Owen G. Hanks, eng; Thomas Crawford, art)[14] Alexander Hamilton 1,591 (188)
$10 1863 First Fr.95b US-$10-LT-1863-Fr-95b.jpg Abraham Lincoln (Frederick Girsch);[15] Eagle; Art 375 (161)
$20 1863 First Fr.126b US-$20-LT-1863-Fr-126b.jpg Liberty 375 (161)
$50 1862 Third Fr.148a US-$50-LT-1862-Fr-148a.jpg Alexander Hamilton (Joseph P. Ourdan)[16] 45 (1)
$100 1863 Third Fr.167 US-$100-LT-1863-Fr-167.jpg Vignette spread eagle (Joseph P. Ourdan)[17] 51 (2)
$500 1862 Third Fr.183c US-$500-LT-1863-Fr-183c.jpg Albert Gallatin 6 (4)
$1,000 1863 Third Fr.186e US-$1000-LT-1863-Fr-186e.jpg Robert Morris (Charles Schlecht) 4 (1)

Secretary of the Treasury Gold Certificate 1000 dollar

 Secretary of the Treasury Gold Certificate, Series 1934  1000 dollar